using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;


namespace Chapter8LINQMultiply


    class Program



        static void Main(string[] args)


            int x1 = 1;

            int y1 = 0;

            int arraysize = 8;


            int start = 1;

            int end = arraysize;

            int[,] array = new int[arraysize, arraysize];

            int[] numbers = Enumerable.Range(start, end - start).ToArray();


            // creates the multiplied list numbers

            var multiplied = numbers.SelectMany(

            x => numbers,

            (x, y) => x * y);


            //converts the multiplied list of n into an array

            int rc = arraysize;

            for (rc = 1; rc < arraysize ; rc++)


                array[rc, 0] = rc;

                array[0, rc] = rc;



            //Convert the multiplied list to a 2D array for multiplication table

            foreach (int n in multiplied)




                if (y1 > (arraysize-1))


                    y1 = 1;



                array[x1, y1] = n;               



            //prints the array of numbers

            int xf;

            int yf;

            int sf;


            for (xf = 0; xf < arraysize; xf++)


                for (yf = 0; yf < arraysize; yf++)


                   sf = array[xf,yf];

                    Console.Write(sf.ToString("000")+"   ");













000   001   002   003   004   005   006   007

001   001   002   003   004   005   006   007

002   002   004   006   008   010   012   014

003   003   006   009   012   015   018   021

004   004   008   012   016   020   024   028

005   005   010   015   020   025   030   035

006   006   012   018   024   030   036   042

007   007   014   021   028   035   042   049