I have been building Minecraft Ubuntu servers for our children for a few years.  I started a Neoforge modded server.   I started to learn how to build custom mods and plugins.  I will start with several Udemy.com courses on Java, Spigot, Maven and Minecraft.  

I have learned many languages.   Check out the programming page.   

Days in the month:

1.) Uses the function YearMonth.  It uses a while loop from Jan. 2018 to Dec 2025 to list the days of each month.

 YearMonth yearMonthObject = YearMonth.of(year, month);
int daysInMonth = yearMonthObject.lengthOfMonth();

Equal Sum Checker

This project sums two numbers and compares them to the third number to see if they are equal or not.  

Factor and Perfect Number

1.) Numbers are 1 to 10,000 using a while loop
2.) Find prime numbers
3.) Factor numbers
4.) Find perfect numbers:  Sum of the divisors without the number.

Leap Year Calculator

The calculates if a year is a leap year by two methods in Java

1.) A leap year is a year that is divisible by 4 but not 100. or if it’s divisible by 100, it has to be divisible by 400.

2.) Using the Year.isLeap function built into Java.

KB to MB

Converts KB into MB

Max and Min

Minimum and maximum of primitive types

Palindrome of a integer

1.) Read a number.  Reverse the digits are store them.  See of the original number and its reverse are palindrome or equal.
2.) Find first and last numbers and adding them together
3.) Find all even integers in the number and adding them together
4.) Find all odd integers in the number and adding them together

GCD : Greatest Common Denominator

1.) Look at both numbers
2.) Determine the lowest number
3.) While loop till lowest number
4.) Compare a % x and b % x for true:  To get GCD.

Math Calculator


1.) Use methods and instance to create a math calculator for +, – , * , / and ^ (power of)