Numbers: int, float, complex
## integer, long, float, complex
List: Ordered sequence of items
Tuple: Ordered sequence of items similar to list but is immutable
Strings: Sequence of characters
Sets: Unordered collection of unique items
Dictionary: unordered collection of key-value pairs
Mutable Objects
Immutable Objects
Can change their state or contents
Cannot change their state or contents
Type: list, dict, set
inbuilt types: int, float, bool, string, unicode, tuple
Easy to change
Quick to access but making changes require creation of copy
Customized container like types of mostly mutable
Primitive like data types are immutable
tuples are immutable but may contain elements that are mutable
#!/usr/bin/env/python3 # This program is on data types a=5 print(a) type_a=type(a) print(type_a) print('') b=5.0 print(b) type_b=type(b) print(type_b) print('') c=65535 print(c) type_c=type(c) print(type_c) print(' ') d=65535*65335 print(d) type_d=type(d) print(type_d) print('') print ('0b11001 is binary 25') e=0b11001 print(e) type_e=type(e) print(type_e) print('') # \' allows the ' in can't string_a='I can\'t believe this' print(string_a) type_str_a=type(string_a) print(type_str_a) print('') #Convert numeric type to another f=15 print(f) print(type(f)) print('') print(float(f)) print(type(float(f))) print('') print(str(f)) print(type(str(f))) print('') a = 7 b = -8 print(complex(a,b)) print(type(complex(a,b))) x = complex(a,b) print("Real: {} Imaginary: {}".format(x.real, x.imag)) print("") a = ~5 print("~x = -(x+1) = -6 so x = 5") print("~5 is {}".format(a)) a = ~~5 print("~~x = -(x+1) = 5 so x = -6") print("~~5 is {}".format(a)) a = ~~~5 print("~~~x = -(x+1) = -6 so x = 5") print("~~~5 is {}".format(a))
/usr/bin/python3.8 /home/michael/PycharmProjects/DataTypes/
<class 'int'>
<class 'float'>
<class 'int'>
<class 'int'>
0b11001 is binary 25
<class 'int'>
I can't believe this
<class 'str'>
<class 'int'>
<class 'float'>
<class 'str'>
<class 'complex'>
Real: 7.0 Imaginary: -8.0
~x = -(x+1) = -6 so x = 5
~5 is -6
~~x = -(x+1) = 5 so x = -6
~~5 is 5
~~~x = -(x+1) = -6 so x = 5
~~~5 is -6
Process finished with exit code 0